Visitor News February 2025


This last week, following completion of the January News Note, work has been focussed on gathering material about the various small hovercraft clubs and activity centres around the world, and introducing a page on the THS site to cover Noise and Environmental interaction.

The small craft material should come together during February and then be included in a special issue document that can be made freely available as well as to our Society Members.

During February we will continue to load some more technical papers to the members library, gradually deepening our knowledge base for hovercraft and SES design. I will give an indication of what is added both in this blog and in emails sent to members.

This year I will attempt to give an update at least once a month. Below I begin with brief information on some recent events, and some job openings that I have located. This way visitors to THS site can also get a heads up.

Our bi-monthly News Notes issued by email to members provides more in-depth news as well as technical articles and direct links to videos and technical papers. It is available in the Members Library. A sample can be sent by email on request, just email Technical Secretary.

Alan Bliault
Technical Secretary

News Shorts

Griffon Hoverwork Gain preliminary Approval for Wyvern LCAC

Griffon Hoverwork’s new class of Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), the Wyvern, has been granted Approval in Principle (AiP) by Lloyd’s Register in the last week of January. This certification encompasses critical aspects of the craft’s design, including lifting systems, stability, piping systems, hull structure, and mechanical and electrical systems. The header picture shows the certificate being awarded.

This is a significant step forward for the design. The full announcement can be viewed here.

Hovertravel trimming workforce

The Island Echo reported in December that Hovertravel were looking to reduce costs by trimming their workforce by 17 out of the current total team of 77 – 41 terminal staff, 14 engineers, 11 pilots and 11 in the office. Since the Covid pandemic passenger numbers have not recovered to the level previously.

National minimum wage increases, brought in by both the previous Conservative regime and the current Labour government, as well as the recent National Insurance changes being pushed through by Labour, have led to added costs for employers across the country. This is having a direct impact on Hovertravel.

The company continue to have shareholder support from its parent company, Bland Group UK Holdings Limited.

Go to the Island Echo Link above for the full article.

Sapeurs Pompiers rescue people from floods in Ille et Villaine near Rennes in France

During the last week of January, the local fire and rescue service in Ille et Villaine, near Rennes have been working hard to rescue people from a major flooding event. The services Ivanoff IH3 hovercraft have proved useful during the work. Both photos and some video can be seen on their Facebook page here. Many thanks to Sapeurs Pompiers Ille et Villaine.

River Rover on Trials at Bewl Water

Hover Aid had an open day to show their new River Rover Hovercraft on 25th January. Afterwards on 26th January ITV News Meridian published an article and videos on its internet site here. The videos give a feel for the craft in operation and the plans for its delivery to Madagascar through interviews with Hover Aid personnel.

There are several other videos taken on 25th January that feature on Facebook, for example that by Doug Coulson of The Hovercraft Museum, here, with thanks for image above.


Griffon Hoverwork looking for a Buyer and Stores Supervisor

Jodie Harris, Griffon Hoverwork Talent Manager is advertising via LinkedIn for a Stores Supervisor at their construction facility in Portchester, and for a Buyer based at their offices in Woolston.

Full details are here, and here, while Jodie can also be reached by telephone at +44 (0) 2380 686666.

UMOE seeking a Head of Business Development and Chief Financial Officer

UMOE, based in Mandal, Southern Norway are seeking a new Head of Business Development, and also a Chief Financial Officer, looking forward to building from their present position supporting the Royal Norwegian Navy SES fleet, and Wavecraft Wind Farm SES service craft.

The positions can be viewed here.

Silverstream Open positions

Silverstream have a range of open positions presently, located in UK (Southampton and London) and in China (Shanghai). Go here to take a look (scroll to the bottom of the page).

Seen at Ryde on 25th January

David Ingham from Hovercraft Isle of Wight Friends Facebook group took this beautiful image of two ex-Royal Marines Griffon Hoverwork GH2400 craft C23 and C24 on the Ryde slipway, clearly now refurbished prior to redeployment with a different operator. David and other members of the group have also posted collections of pictures and drone views of the craft over the last few days. Many thanks to David Ingham and Hovercraft Isle of Wight Friends.