The Hovercraft Society

March Discussion Meeting and Presentation

On March 22/23/24 we held a series of presentation and discussion meetings on Zoom. The meetings were set separately to be convenient for evening events for East Coast Australia, Europe and finally East Coast US (with West Coast being afternoon time).

The meetings were begun with a short presentation by THS Technical Secretary, which can be accessed by clicking on the image below.

The pdf copy does not have live links to the videos shown, so please click on the images below to view these. The first is from YouTube – a miscellany of interesting hovercraft sequences, and the second is a sequence from the film ‘Flipper’ about a dolphin. The craft featured is from Airlift Hovercraft.

The events were quite successful in generating conversations and so encourage us to try other events aimed at bringing people together to share experiences and knowledge. A core of attendees was achieved at each meeting, while some expressed the wish to meet with people from other parts of the world. We will have to experiment a bit further to find a timing where all three locations can be at a comfortable time, if not in the evening!